Multiple-use management for south-west Gulf of Carpentaria
AIMS - Edward Butler
Developing a new Djelk management plan
Djelk Rangers - Zelanda Watson, Maxine Wilson
Department of Land Resource Management, Weeds Branch - Meg Humphreys
Best practice Asian vegetable farming in the Top End
NT Farmers - Greg Owens
Caught in ghost nets; a regional collaboration to manage threats to sea turtles
NTSC - Kiki Dethmers, Lyn Lambeth, Vanessa Drysdale and Simone McMonigal
Protecting vulnerable land from high wallaby densities
Miguel Bedoya-Perez, Michael Lawes and Clive McMahon
The NRM Spatial Hub – underpinning better management decisions in the Rangelands
Mike Digby
Exploring the potential of biochar to support sustainable horticulture in the NT
Naomi Wilson
Paul Donohoe
The Finniss Reynolds Catchment Group project
Susanne Casanova
Making production and conservation gains through adaptive grazing – Beetaloo
Jane Douglas, Jane Armstrong and Kate Christianson
Bureau of Meteorology
Aboriginal land management services as fee for service
Charles Darwin University: Julian Gorman and Siviram Vemuri
Determining tree water use for a more sustainable plantation forestry future
Charles Darwin University: Pippa Featherston, Lindsay Hutley and Mila Bristow
City of Darwin: Shenagh Gamble and Glen Ewers
A new biocontrol agent for parkinsonia
Department of Land Resource Management – Weeds Branch: Bert Lukitsch, Natasha Burrows, Louis Elliot, Keith Ferdinands and Raghu Sathyamurthy
Reptiles and toads – an update on research
Frogwatch: Graeme Sawyer
Dragonfly – a field survey and mapping toolkit
Geomancia: Angela McCauley and Robert Devries
Planning a resilient future for North Australian agriculture
Inside Out Architects: Keith Noble
Kimberly to Cape Initiative: Clare Taylor
Climate Change and NRM Workshop Overview
Northern Development and Territory Natural Resource Management
Northern Development and NRM Workshop Overview
Northern Development and Territory Natural Resource Management
Development and Northern Australia’s natural environments
Charles Darwin Uuniversity: Michael Douglas
Kimberley to Cape: Clare Taylor
Northern Development Australia: Luke Bowen
Northern Territory Cattlemen's Association Presentation
Northern Territory Cattlemen's Association: Tom Ryan
Northern Australian Agricultural and Horticultural Development and Natural Resource Management
NT Farmers: Greg Owens
Tourism and Parks – the future
Parks and Wildlife Corporation of the Northern Territory: Mark Crummy
Aboriginal land management services as fee for service – a business approach
CDU (Julian Gorman, Sivaram Vemuri)
LNAC Culture and Conservation Economy
Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation
MTP Contracting
Triple P Contracting case study
NARMCO (John Jansen)
NT Indigenous Business Network (Toni Ah Sam)